Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Robben Island

After a very cloudy visit to the top of Table Mountain this morning (you couldn't see 10 feet in front of you), we caught a boat over to Robben Island to take a tour of the prison where political prisoners like Nelson Mandela were kept by the British and Dutch over the last 200 years. Once you get on the island they put you on a crowded bus and tell you information about/make terrible jokes about all of the things you couldn't see on either side of the bus due to the crowds. It was hard to stay awake... I did see the limestone quarry where the prisoners had to work each day, which was interesting.

Once we got off the bus, a former prisoner gave us a brief tour of some cells (including Nelson Mandela's).

THEN we wandered around trying to spot penguins from the largest African penguin colony in the world! There are over 30,000!! We saw about 12. Still cool, though.

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