GeoTagged, [N38.95408, E77.44955]
I'm writing from the fabulous and romantic city of, er, Atlanta. Not only was the flight out of Dulles delayed, we had to sit on the runway forever waiting for our turn since there were SO many delayed flights and THEN they said some little light for the cargo bay came on and we had to go back to the gate. Turns out it was nothing and we missed our turn to take off so I missed my connection to Johannesburg... So I'm here until 8pm tomorrow. Lame. Delta wouldn't even give me vouchers since the official reason for the delay was "air traffic control" and therefore not their fault. I pouted my way into a hotel room at the Red Roof Inn bit no food :(. My luggage is being held somewhere to be sent tomorrow. So I go to wait for the shuttle. And wait. And wait. Finally I called the hotel. Turns out their shuttle says "Drury Inn". Well, duh. I don't know why I didn't figure that out sooner. The shuttle was crammed full of disgruntled Delta so we all got some griping out of the way, someone gave me a food voucher they weren't gonna use and I found a pizza place that delivers! In fact, all of the places advertised in the lobby proclaim in huge letters "We Take Delta Vouchers!!!" I guess this happens a lot.
Luckily, my parents managed to get in touch with Trevor. PLUS I got the sweet above pictured gift overnight pack complete with a Delta t-shirt! Awesome, cuz all I want to do right now is give them some free advertising. Yup.
There will be someone somewhere in SA who really, really needs a Delta Tshirt...